We in Ram Trade OÜ are proud to be 13 years old

We represent only products of the highest quality which we can recommend to our consumers. We are committed to always belong among the top service providers in sales and marketing in Estonia and Baltic countries.

In addition to representing trademarks, we offer our services to producers in Estonia and other countries. We sell goods to a specific customer and we provide logistics services.

  • Whole Baltic region is covered by our sales channels
  • Distribution in 3 markets - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
  • Professionals that will their best to serve you
  • Full scope of services: Sales and marketing, Promo services, Logistics, Merchandising


Sales and marketing

We sell goods in the FMCG segment using your own marketing strategies.


We use a large partner logistics network, which allows us to deliver the goods to the customer within 24 hours after the order.


We store goods in warehouses in Tallinn and Riga. Large warehouse space allows us to store any type of goods, including food products that require maintenance of a specified temperature regime.

Promo services

We apply a wide range of BTL events: Sales promotion, Consumer promotion, Trade promotion.